Fortunately another show is on the horizon next weekend, as we will be heading to Madison, Wi for the Madison Fishing Expo, February 21-23. With only three shows on our schedule for the entire season and a long six weeks since we wrapped up the All-Canada show in Chicago, it will feel good to get back out on the road for a show again. Even better, the show is in one of our all-time favorite markets where we not only consistently generate good business but we just thoroughly enjoy the people in the area. Looking forward to visiting with many of our regulars who we hope will stop by for a visit and certainly hope to meet some new groups that might be considering us for their fishing or family vacation this year or in the future.********************NEWSFLASH*********************There is one notable regulation change that will affect some of you who have trips planned to Wabaskang Lake in June this coming season. As many of you know, the areas of Wabaskang below Perrault Falls to the end of the channel and nearby (for us) Mud Lake have long been fish sanctuaries off limits for walleye fishing until June 1st every year. The regulations have been changed effective this year, to extend the NO FISHING in these sanctuary areas until June 14th.Ice fishing has been pretty darn good for us this year, although we have a lot more ice than we really need. When you are using a hand auger, and are simply walking to your spot, anything over a solid 4-6″ of ice is just overkill. I can’t remember the last time in our area that we were having to drill through 14-18″ of ice like this year. Maybe I’m just getting older, but I seem to be more content sitting at a non-productive hole a lot longer these days…not like years ago when I would eagerly drill 50 holes a day searching for aggressive fish. Or maybe with all the extra ice this year it’s more a case of laziness! Either way, it has felt good to get back out on the ice again this winter and has helped to ease some of the cabin fever.
Another reason, not to hop around a lot….it’s toasty in here! |
Allison with her first bluegill through the ice, the way she likes to fish I’m sure it won’t be the last. |
Nothing better than good eater size gills. |
Hmmm… probably not grilling out anytime soon. |