Warm enough for ya? | Bear Claw Wilderness Camp (formerly Peffley’s Canadian Wilderness Camp)

Warm enough for ya?

Chances are if you are from almost anywhere in the midwest U.S. your answer is “yes”. It really hasn’t been much better here to be honest. Temps in the upper 70’s to mid 80’s with very high humidity has made it just a little“sticky” the past couple of weeks in camp. The fish don’t seem to be minding much though, as even some of our first time guests are making comments like “I can’t believe how many walleye we are catching in this August heat”. It looks like a change in the weather is coming for next week with much cooler (60’s) temperatures forecast and MORE rain. I keep kidding around with our guests that our next major construction project might just be an Ark as our lake levels for this time of year are higher than I have ever seen them.

With our bear hunters coming in soon (Sept 4) we have just begun to bait some of our stations and actually did a little “pre-baiting” in July. Here is a picture of a great looking bear with one of the best looking white crests on his chest I have ever seen.
Szweda Bear2-blogAnd you have to love it when a bear is on a bait at 2:24 in the afternoon!
I also need to mention the latest nominee for the “Trooper of the Year” award. Sue Martin is here this week with her husband (to be?) Brian and friends Dustin Masters and Stephanie Mullins from Missouri. Although Brian and Dustin have been on a few Canadian fishing adventures, this is the first time for the ladies. Overall the ladies are having an absolutely wonderful time, but Sue did have a little mishap the other night. It seems while reaching for one of Brian’s fishing poles in their boat, she deeply embedded a Rattle Trap in her index finger. Shortly after arriving back in camp, we (Ray, Marilyn and I) had her in operating room #1 ready for “surgery”. Sue barely had the words “so how much of my finger am I going to lose” out of her mouth when Ray and I teamed up with the “string-yank” method to have the hook out of her finger almost before she knew it was coming. I know the technique sounds a little crude, but trust me when I say it works and works well. She was absolutely amazed at how quick and painless the process was and I was amazed at how brave she was. I even commented to her that we have removed numerous hooks from many of our male guests through the years, but few of them showed as much poise and bravery as she did. So hat’s off to Sue Kendrick-the most recent nominee for the Bear Claw Wilderness Camp “Trooper of the Year” award.
Well that’s all for now, keep reading our weekly fishing reports on the website too for the latest in what’s going on regarding the fishing. If this forecasted cool down does materialize, look out as things are going to get even better around here!
Take care until next time!

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Peffley's Wilderness Camp is a family owned and operated camp. Dave has been fishing Wabaskang Lake for over 25 years and was previously a guest of this camp for 12 years prior to purchasing the camp in 2005. I am a proud supporter of our military and offer a nice discount during the month of July to our guests who have also served. I have three daughters ranging in ages from 16-21 who spend much of their summer with us in camp and have totally embraced the wilderness experience we offer. They have for years referred to it as the "best summer experience ever".

While rarely necessary on our lake, because I do have a very good working knowledge on how and where to fish on Wabaskang Lake and our portage waters, I will guide groups if asked to. Otherwise, I am always happy to share information with our guests and provide them well marked lake maps so they can start catching fish their first day in camp.

I pride myself on running a very clean and well managed camp with your satisfaction our top priority. Many guests who have fished from this camp for over 20 years, and several more that have fished here for over 30 years and even some over 40 years.

Contact Us

Toby & Fran Haughee - Owners
toby@bearclawcamp.com | fran@bearclawcamp.com

Summer Address:
General Delivery
Perrault Falls, Ontario
P0V 2K0                                     

This is the ONLY number to call to arrange pickup at
the roadside landing during our operating season.
Please do not call the numbers below as
we cannot guarantee a timely answer
on Saturday mornings (changeover day).

Winter Address:
PO Box 1163
Mishawaka, IN 46546                       

Copyright © 2014 Peffleys Canadian Wilderness Camps offers canadian walleye and northern pike fishing and hunting trips in Wabaskang Lake in Perrault Falls, Ontario Canada along with canadian hunting and fishing lodge and canadian hunting outfitters,