Fortunately I’m not referring to the weather, although we did have another brief spell of temps in the upper 80’s. A cool down ensued thereafter, and culminated in a rainstorm to beat all rainstorms. On Saturday the 22nd, after getting all our guests into camp, it started to rain. It was nothing but rain, heavy rain,strong winds, lightning and thunder for the rest of the day and all through the night. All told, here in camp we received over 9″ of rain! We worked until past 10 pm Saturday night just keeping camp boats bailed out to keep them from sinking. What a night it was.
By Sunday morning, most of the rain was gone except for a few very light showers here and there. Guests slowly peeked from there cabins to see that their cabin was not washed off “the rock” as we refer to camp. Many guests climbed into their boats on Sunday with very low expectations. I mean come on, over 12 hours of lightning, thunder and heavy rain, who could reasonably expect fishing to be worth a darn? Well it took a couple of hours before the first boat returned to camp with a stringer full of fat August walleyes. Shortly, after another boat returned, then another, and then yet another. All with the same results, stringers loaded with nice, chunky 16-18″ walleye and reports of releasing many 19’s, some 20’s and others in the low/mid 20’s. This pattern would remain for the rest of the day and into the rest of the week, as we have seen some of the best walleye fishing of the entire season upon us.
There is a reason that August re-books rival that of June, and after Mother Nature’s most recent display it certainly isn’t the weather! Which incidentally, is turning quite hot again now, as the forecast for the end of August into early September is for temperatures back into the mid to upper 80’s. Water temperatures have been hovering between 65 and 70 degrees, and fish are being caught everywhere from shallow weed beds around 14 fow to deep rock piles and reefs out to about 36 fow. Jigs and minnows and lindy rigs remain the best for numbers of fish but trolling crankbaits is producing bigger fish as Lewis Hazen would attest after catching and releasing a beautiful 29″ walleye last week.
Here are a few more pics from the past couple of weeks.